> 春节2024 > 不能回家过年怎么团聚英语




In the Spring Festival, many people go home to reunite with their families.


The Spring Festival is coming soon! The festival is considered the most important holiday for Chinese people. It marks the first day of the lunar year and is also a day for family reunion. During this period, people congratulate each other and exchange New Year greetings.


Here are some English phrases for \"reuniting with someone\":
- Reunite with sb
- Reunite (重逢/团圆/团聚/使团聚)
- To reunite 团圆/团聚
- Reunite China 重新统一中国
- Ping Lu reunite (平陆县/团聚)


People in China usually go home and reunite with their families at the end of the year.


Chinese New Year is a traditional festival. On that day, we usually visit our relatives, have a family reunion dinner, watch fireworks, and exchange red envelopes.


The term \"family reunion\" can be used to express the idea of family members gathering together quickly.


The phrase \"吃团圆饭\" can be translated as \"to enjoy a reunion dinner\" or \"to have a family reunion dinner.\" The term \"大团圆\" means \"happy reunion\" or \"grand union.\"


How about (holding) a party to celebrate our get-together on this special day? The phrase in parentheses indicates that it is optional to include it. Another way to express this idea is \"What if we organize a party to commemorate our reunion on this special occasion?\"


I like Spring Festival because I can go home and stay together with my family (by that time).


Here are some English words related to Spring Festival customs:
- 过年 (Guo-nian) - have the Spring Festival
- 除夕 (New Year\'s Eve)
- 初一 (the beginning of New Year)
- 元宵 (Lantern Festival)